Inventory Logs

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

To effectively manage and understand your inventory within Synctify, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the inventory log. This detailed record tracks all changes and movements involving your stock. Below are several use cases for utilizing the inventory logs:

  1. Audit and Reconciliation: Regularly review the inventory log to ensure that physical stock levels match the recorded figures in Synctify, promptly addressing any discrepancies.

  2. Track Inventory Changes: Use the log to monitor how inventory is utilized or moved throughout your system. This can help identify trends or issues, such as frequent stockouts or excess stock in certain areas.

  3. Improving Operational Efficiency: Analyzing the inventory log can provide insights into the efficiency of inventory management practices, helping to optimize stock levels and reduce costs associated with holding excessive inventory.

  4. Compliance and Record Keeping: Maintaining a detailed inventory log aids in meeting compliance requirements for record-keeping by providing a clear trail of all inventory actions, which is crucial during audits or legal inquiries.

View Inventory Logs

Each entry in the inventory log represents a specific action taken on your stock and includes the following details:

  • Date and Time: Shows when the inventory action occurred.

  • Product SKU: Identifies the specific item involved in the transaction.

  • Action Type: Describes the nature of the action (e.g., Received, Fulfilled, Adjusted, Transferred).

  • Quantity: Indicates how many units were involved in the action.

  • From/To: For actions involving movement (e.g., transfers), this indicates the origin and destination of the stock.

  • Operator: The username of the individual who performed the action or initiated the transaction.

  • Reason/Notes: Provides additional context for the action, such as the reason for a stock adjustment or notes about the transaction.

Filter Inventory Logs

  1. Click Filter .
  2. Search by product SKU, warehouse, or specific timeframe.

Export Inventory Logs

  1. Click Export .

  2. Choose to export all entries, the current page, or selected rows.
