Manage Exception Orders

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Once Synctify receives the sales order from a sales channel, we will perform an initial check to filter out orders that have exceptional issues, such as missing customer information, missing shipping details, or SKUs that are not found in the system’s catalog. These orders are collected under the Exception Orders tab, where you can either cancel or reinstate them.

View Exception Orders

  1. Navigate to the Exception Orders tab.

  2. Click the View button next to the desired order to be redirected to its detailed page.

Cancel Orders

  1. Click on the menu icon  and select Cancel Order .

  2. Choose the specific line items and their quantities that you wish to cancel.

  3. Select the reason for the cancellation from the provided dropdown menu.

  4. Confirm the cancellation when prompted to finalize the process.

Reinstate Orders

  1. Click on the menu icon  and choose Reinstate Order .

  2. If customer or shipping information is missing, fill out these details under the Missing Attribute tab.

  3. If the order could not match any SKU from the catalog, use the SKU Not Found tab to select and associate the correct SKU with the order.
  4. Consider saving this association as a SKU alias to prevent future occurrences of the same issue.

  5. Ensure all necessary information is filled in and click Submit to reinstate the order.
  6. Once reinstated, the order will reappear in the 3PL Order list.
