Performance Metrics

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

At the Overview section, you can check the overall sales order status and performance metrics for sales, inventory, and more. All business performance reports can be exported to an Excel file for further analysis.

Performance Metrics Definition

  1. Heatmap (Order Total): Visual representation of sales totals distributed by state.

  2. Heatmap (Order Count): Displays the number of orders per state, providing a visual insight into sales activity.

  3. Unit Sold vs. Stock On Hand: Compares the number of units sold to the stock available, highlighting inventory turnover.

  4. Sales Per SKU: Tracks sales performance for each SKU, helping identify which products are performing best.

  5. Top 10 Best-sellers: Lists the top 10 best-selling products to quickly see which items are most popular.

  6. Sales Per Channel: Breaks down sales by each sales channel.

  7. Sales Performance: Allows filtering by channel, date range, or SKU to tailor the sales data displayed according to your needs.

Export Performance Report

  1. Locate the menu button at the upper right-hand side of each performance metric.

  2. Click the menu and select Download Results .
  3. The report will be downloaded as an Excel file, allowing you to keep a record or perform detailed analysis offline.
