Add & Edit Categories

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Add Categories


Categorize your inventory to improve navigation and management.

  1. Navigate to Categories: Log into your Synctify OMS account and select the Products tab. Click on Categories .

  2. Create New Category: Go to Add section. If it's your first time creating a category, select Uncategorized as the parent from the dropdown menu. Then, enter the name for the new category.

  3. Save Category: After entering the details, click Submit . You will see the new category displayed next to the Add section.

Edit Category


Update existing categories to reflect changes in your inventory or marketing strategy.

  1. Select Category: In the Categories section, find the category you wish to edit and click on the (Edit) button.

  2. Modify Details: Change the category name or parent as needed.

  3. Update Category: Click Submit to apply the changes.

  4. Quick Edit of Parent: To change the parent category, simply drag and drop the category into its new position under another parent or make it a parent category itself.
