Add/Edit/Archive Product

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Add Product (Single/Bundle)


Add individual or bundled products to your catalog.

  1. Go to Add Product: In the Products tab, click + Add . Select whether you are adding a single product or a bundle.

  2. Enter Product Details: Fill in all necessary fields such as the product name, and select whether you are adding a single product or a bundle. For single products, continue to input details for any variants (if applicable), the SKU name, price, and assign the product to a category. For bundles, enter the SKU name and add the individual products as components that make up the bundle.

  3. Save Product: Click Submit  to add the product to your catalog.

Edit Product


Update product details as needed to maintain accurate and relevant product information.

  1. Select Product: Find the product you want to edit under the Action column and click Edit .

  2. Modify Product Details: Change any details such as name, price, category, or status.

  3. Update Product: Click Submit  to apply the changes.

Archive Product


Securely archive products that are no longer active in your inventory but might be needed for future reference.

  1. Select Product: Navigate to the product you wish to archive.

  2. Archive Product: Once you have selected the product, locate the menu icon , then click on the Archive Product option from the menu. This action will move the product to your archive list and it will no longer be visible in the active product listings.

  3. View Archived Product: To review products you have archived, go to the Archived Products  section under the Filter . Here, all archived items will be listed, and you can search or browse through them as needed.

  4. Restore Product: If you need to bring a product back from the archive, click on the Restore Product button next to the desired product under Action. This will return the product to your active product listings, ready for sale or modification.
