Add/Edit/Delete Variant Attributes

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Add Variant


Define variant attributes to distinguish between different versions of a product.

  1. Access Variant Settings: From the Products  tab, select Variant Attributes .

  2. Add Variant Attribute: Click Add . Provide details such as attribute name (e.g., size, color) and applicable options.

  3. Confirm Addition: Review the details and click Submit  to add the variant attribute to your products.

Edit Variant


Update an existing variant as per current needs.

  1. Access Variant: Locate the variant you wish to edit and click on Edit .

  2. Update Details: Make the necessary changes to the variant details as required.

  3. Confirm Editing: Review the updated information to ensure accuracy. Click Submit to finalize the changes.

Delete Variant


Remove an existing variant as per current needs.

  1. Select Variant: Find the variant you intend to delete and click on Delete .

  2. Confirm Deletion: A prompt will appear asking you to confirm the deletion. Review carefully, as this action cannot be undone. Click Confirm to permanently delete the variant.
