Reports Center

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Available Reports

Currently, we offer the following reports for you to generate from the system:

  1. Sales Order Reports (Raw)

  2. Inventory Level Reports (Current)

Generate Sales Order Reports

  1. Click the Generate button under the Action column.
  2. Choose the date range. Please note that you can export up to the past 180 days of historical data.

  3. Select the options if you need additional information about Shipments, Invoices, or Cancellations. Please note that this is optional.

  4. Expand the Optional Filter if you wish to export a specific report by sales channels, warehouses, or line item status.

  5. Click Request Report .

Generate Inventory Level Report

  1. Click the Generate button under the Action column.
  2. Choose warehouses.

  3. Decide if you wish to separate the sheets.

  4. Select the export format you prefer.

  5. Click Request Report .

Request History

Here you can view all the past requested reports.
